Pag 43.

A certain lady called Xquic, daughter of the Ajaw Cuchumaquic, heard talk of how that dead tree had become furtile and she became curious to see that miracle. When she came to that tree laden with fruit, she said to herself:
“Nu use to go without tasting of that fruit, since I won’t die from it.
While she was thinking this the head that was on the stake at that tree talked to her and sais:
– “Are you sure you really want to eat that fruit with all your heart?
– “Yes, I want it”, the lady answered.

Een zekere dame genaamd Quic, dochter van de Awaj Cuchumaquic, hoorde spreken over hoe die dode boom vruchtbaar was geworden en ze werd nieuwsgierig om dat wonder te zien. Toen ze bij die boom kwam die beladen was met vruchten, zei ze bij zichzelf:
“Ik kan toch niet weggaan zonder van dat fruit geproefd te hebben, ik mag doodgaan als ik het niet doe.”
Terwijl ze dat dacht zei het hoofd dat op de staak bij de boom vastzat:
-“Weet je zeker dat je die vruchten wil eten met heel je hart?”
-“Ja, ik wil het”, antwoorde de dame.

Pag 42.

Pag 42.

They were torn to pieces and buried after first having chopped off the head of Jun Junajpú, which they ordered to be put on a stake at the side of the road. Hardly was it placed there when like a … Lees verder